10 Feb

Have you ever stepped into a building and felt the rush of cool air that greets you, leaving you feeling comfortable and refreshed? Do you know the silent heroes behind this magical experience? They are the chiller units! These units are the unsung champions of temperature control, ensuring that the inside of a building stays at the perfect temperature, whether it's a small laboratory or a massive warehouse. These units come in different shapes and sizes, designed to meet the specific cooling needs of various spaces.

chiller hire

But, how do these chiller units work their magic? It all starts with the condenser unit, which is the heart of the system. The unit eliminates heat from the refrigerant being circulated, making sure it stays at the right temperature. This is what keeps the building cool and comfortable, even on the hottest days.

Does your Business need cold storage buildings?

Here's why you should consider it.

Protect your valuable goods

With precise temperature control, cold storage facilities ensure the longevity and quality of your perishable items, medicines, chemicals, and valuables like electronics, art, and historical artefacts. 

A necessity for certain industries

For businesses in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, cold storage is a must-have. It helps preserve the quality and integrity of their products.

Smart investment

Whether you're a factory owner, a electronics company, a biological manufacturer, or someone in need of a controlled environment for your valuables, cold storage is a smart investment for businesses of all kinds.

Solving Urgent Cooling challenges with Chiller Hire

Imagine a scorching hot day, and you run a business that needs to maintain a cool environment to keep its products stable. Suddenly, your cold room system fails, leaving you in a fix. You start panicking, thinking about the loss of business, damaged goods, and unhappy customers. But wait! What if I told you that there's a solution to all your cooling woes? Enter "Chiller Hire", a lifesaver for businesses facing urgent cooling challenges.

With chiller hire, you can rent a portable or temporary chiller unit, even a cold storage building which can be installed quickly and efficiently to provide the cooling you need, when you need it. It's like having a superhero in cooling services, ready to tackle your cooling problems. This flexible and cost-effective option is perfect for businesses that require additional cooling capacity for a short period or specific projects. You don't have to worry about the cost and lead time of purchasing permanent cooling equipment. Plus, you can scale the cooling capacity up or down as required. Advanced Cooling can provide reliable equipment and technical support in your time of need. You want to make sure that your cooling needs are met effectively and on time. With Advanced Cooling, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that your cooling problems are taken care of.

Here is a quick guide to chiller units

Types of Chillers are there?

There are several types of chillers, including air-cooled chillers, water-cooled chillers, and evaporative chillers. The type of chiller used will depend on the specific cooling needs of the building and its surrounding environment.

What is the Cooling Capacity?

Chiller units are rated based on their cooling capacity, which is measured in tons. The cooling capacity required will depend on the size of the building, the number of occupants, and the heat generated by equipment and lighting.

Are Chillers Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency is an important factor when selecting a chiller unit. High-efficiency units use less energy and can result in lower operating costs.

Maintenance of Chiller Units

Regular maintenance of chiller units is important to ensure efficient operation and prevent unexpected breakdowns. The frequency and type of maintenance will depend on the type of chiller unit and its operating conditions.

What Costs are Involved with a Chiller?

The cost of a chiller unit will depend on its size, cooling capacity, energy efficiency, and other features. It is important to consider the total cost of ownership, including operating costs, maintenance, and replacement costs, when selecting a chiller unit.

Businesses needing cold storage buildings

Many businesses require cold storage buildings to store perishable items such as food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals that need to be maintained at a specific temperature. Examples of such businesses include supermarkets, food distribution centres, pharmaceutical companies, and chemical manufacturers. In addition, cold storage is also necessary for businesses that require a controlled environment for storing delicate equipment or products.

Solving Urgent Cooling with Chiller Hire

Facing an urgent cooling crisis? Chiller hire could be the solution you need. Rent a temporary or portable chiller unit and enjoy quick and easy cooling solutions for your business. No need to spend time and money on permanent equipment, chiller hire offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative. Whether you need cooling for a short period or a specific project, chiller hire can be scaled to meet your needs. Trust in the experts at Advanced Cooling to provide reliable equipment and technical support for effective cooling solutions for your business, whether you need a chiller rental or a temporary cold storage building.


Keep your business cool and running smoothly with our Chiller Units and Chiller Hire in Essex! Whether you need a temporary solution for urgent cooling challenges or a permanent solution for your cold storage buildings, we've got you covered. Now you know a bit about the different types of chillers and their cooling capacities, energy efficiency, and maintenance costs. Say goodbye to overheating problems and hello to a comfortable and efficient work environment and storage with our chiller hire services.




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